2025 APDCRS ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION Omni Chicago Hotel – Chicago, IL 60611 – (312) 944-6664April 4th-5th, 2025 First Name *Last Name *Phone *Email Address *Program Name *Program Number *Please select your APDCRS affiliation: *Program Director ($275)Associate Program Director ($275)Program Coordinator ($225)Affiliate Member ($275)Please check the meetings you plan to attend: *Coordinators Workshop • Friday, April 4th, 9:00am – 4:00 pmProgram Directors Annual Meeting • Saturday, April 5th, 7:30 am – 2:45 pmCheck only if you do NOT plan on attending the luncheon.Registration Fee $NOTE: Only choose the gold “PayPal Checkout” button if you intend to checkout with a PayPal account; Otherwise, choose the black “Debit or Credit Card” button.Send Message Continental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks are included in the registration fee.Hotel reservationsThe deadline for the group rate is February 28, 2025.You can book your stay at the Omni Hotel at our group rate here.You can also make reservations by calling 800-THE-OMNI (800-843-6664) and use the following code when booking: 04042025ABCRS