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Public Comment Deadline – CRS Training Requirements

September 25, 2024

Program Directors and Associate Program Directors,

As we have discussed at the last two APDCRS meetings, every ten years the ACGME requires our specialty to review and revise the training requirements for CRS residencies. Last year, some of you provided comment on the “CRS Themes and Insights” document that was the foundation for the common program requirement revision. The CRS Review Committee (RC) of the ACGME announced on 8/12/24 that the program requirement revision is now open for public comment. Please visit https://www.acgme.org/programs-and-institutions/programs/review-and-comment/; scroll down to the Program Requirements for Review section and check out the Colon and Rectal Surgery section.

The comment period is open until 9/25/24.  While the RC does not feel there was major or significant change in the requirements, there was some fine tuning. There is a document called the Impact Statement that covers the rationale behind the changes.  The Program Requirements document follows.

The RC is continuing to work on reviewing the Case Log Minimums and will advise the APDCRS once that work has concluded. (Case Log Minimums are not directly in the requirements to allow greater flexibility for adjustments)

We strongly encourage our members to review and provide comments; utilize the review and comment form on the above link.  This is your opportunity to provide input!  All comments will be reviewed and be taken under consideration by the RC prior to the final approval of the requirements by the ACGME.


Rebecca Hoedema, MD

President, APDCRS